Lab members indicated in bold


LC Aulsebrook, BBM Wong, and MD Hall (2023) Can pharmaceutical pollution alter the spread of infectious disease? A case study using fluoxetine. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 378, no. 1873, doi:10.1098/rstb.2022.0010.

KC King, MD Hall, and J Wolinska (2023) Infectious disease ecology and evolution in a changing world. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 378, no. 1873, doi:10.1098/rstb.2022.0002.

F Ware-Gilmore, M Novelo, CM Sgrò, MD Hall, and EA McGraw (2023) Assessing the role of family level variation and heat shock gene expression in the thermal stress response of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 378, no. 1873, doi:10.1098/rstb.2022.0011.

G Zilio, LS Nørgaard, C Gougat-Barbera, MD Hall, EA Fronhofer, and O Kaltz (2023) Travelling with a parasite: the evolution of resistance and dispersal syndromes during experimental range expansion. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 290, no. 1990, doi:10.1098/rspb.2022.1966.

LC Aulsebrook, BBM Wong, and MD Hall (2022) Warmer temperatures limit the effects of antidepressant pollution on life-history traits. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 289, no. 1968, doi:10.1098/rspb.2021.2701

SAY Gipson, AK Pettersen, L Heffernan, and MD Hall (2022) Host sex modulates the energetics of pathogen proliferation and its dependence on environmental resources. The American Naturalist, vol. 199, no. 5, pp. E186E196, doi:10.1086/718717,


TE Hector, CM Sgrò and MD Hall (2021) Thermal limits in the face of infectious disease: How important are pathogens? Global Change Biology, vol. 27, no. 19, pp. 4469–4480. doi:10.1111/gcb.15761

TE Hector, CM Sgrò and MD Hall (2021) Temperature and pathogen exposure act independently to drive host phenotypic trajectories. Biology Letters, 17(6), 20210072.

LS Nørgaard, G Zilio, C Saade, C Gougat-Barbera, MD Hall, EA Fronhofer, and O Kaltz (2021) An evolutionary trade-off between parasite virulence and dispersal at experimental invasion fronts. Ecology Letters, 24(4), 739–750.

A Radzvilavicius, SA Layh, MD Hall, DK Dowling and IG Johnston (2021) Sexually antagonistic evolution of mitochondrial and nuclear linkage. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34(5), 757–766.

F Ware-Gilmore, CM Sgrò, Z Xi, HLC DutraI, MJ Jones, K Shea, MD Hall, MB Thomas, and EA McGraw (2021) Microbes increase thermal sensitivity in the mosquito Aedes aegypti, with the potential to change disease distributions. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15(7), e0009548.

S Drapes, MD Hall, and BL Phillips (2021) Effect of habitat permanence on life-history: extending the Daphnia model into new climate spaces. Evolutionary Ecology, 35(4), 595–607.

J Lever, S Drapes, MD Hall, and I Booksmythe (2021) Condition-dependent sexual reproduction is driven by benefits, not costs of sex. Behavioral Ecology, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 1372–1379. doi:10.1093/beheco/arab103


LS Nørgaard, G Ghedini, BL Phillips and MD Hall (2020) Energetic scaling across different host densities and its consequences for pathogen proliferation. Functional Ecology, 35(2) 475–484.

TE. Hector, CM. Sgrò, and MD Hall (2020) The influence of immune activation on thermal tolerance along a latitudinal cline. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 33(9), 1224–1234.

T Laidlaw, TE. Hector, CM. Sgrò, and MD Hall (2020) Pathogen exposure reduces sexual dimorphism in a host’s upper thermal limits. Ecology and Evolution, 10(23), 12851–12859.

MJ Roast, NH Aranzamendi, M Fan, N Teunissen, MD Hall and Anne Peters (2020) Fitness outcomes in relation to individual variation in constitutive innate immune function. Proceedings B, 287, 20201997.

AK Pettersen, MD Hall, CR White, and DJ Marshall (2020) Metabolic rate, context-dependent selection, and the competition-colonization trade-off. Evolution Letters, 4(4): 333–334.

LC Aulsebrook, MG Bertram, JM Martin, AE Aulsebrook, T Brodin, JP Evans, MD Hall, MK O'Bryan, AJ Pask, CR Tyler, and BBM Wong (2020) Reproduction in a polluted world: implications for wildlife. Reproduction 160 (2), R13-R23.

C Ma, CK Mirth, MD Hall, and MD Piper (2020) Amino acid quality modifies the quantitative availability of protein for reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Insect Physiology 5, 104050.


LS Nørgaard, BL Phillips, and MD Hall (2019) Infection in patchy populations: Contrasting pathogen invasion success and dispersal at varying times since host colonization. Evolution Letters, 3(5), 555–566.

MD Hall, J. Routtu and D. Ebert (2019) Dissecting the genetic architecture of a stepwise infection process. Molecular Ecology, 28(17), 3942–3957.

M Noveo, MD Hall, D Pak, PR Young, EC Holmes, EA McGraw (2019) Intra-host growth kinetics of dengue virus in the mosquito Aedes aegypti. PLoS Pathogens 15 (12), e1008218.

LS Nørgaard, BL Phillips, and MD Hall (2019) Can pathogens optimise both transmission and dispersal by exploiting sexual dimorphism in their hosts? Biology Letters, 15(6), 1–5.

T Hector, C Sgrò and MD Hall (2019) Pathogen exposure disrupts an organism’s ability to cope with thermal stress. Global Change Biology, 25(11), 3893–3905.

SAY Gipson, L. Jimenez and MD Hall (2019) Host sexual dimorphism affects the outcome of within-host pathogen competition. Evolution, 73(7), 1443–1455.

P Erm, MD Hall, and BL Phillips (2019) Anywhere but here: local conditions motivate dispersal in Daphnia. PeerJ 7, e6599.


Hall, MD and Mideo, N (2018) Linking sex differences to the evolution of infectious disease life-histories. Philosophical transactions B, 373 20170431.

Connallon, T. & Hall, MD (2018) Genetic constraints on adaptation: a theoretical primer for the genomics era. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1422 (1): 65-87.

Gipson, SAY & Hall, MD (2018) Interactions between host sex and age of exposure modify the virulence transmission trade-off. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 31 (3): 428-437.

Connallon, T and Hall, MD (2018) Environmental Changes and Sexually Antagonistic Selection. In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0028171


MD Hall, G Bento and D Ebert (2017) The evolutionary consequences of stepwise infection processes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 32 (8): 612-623.

O Thompson, SAY Gipson and  MD Hall (2017) The impact of host sex on the outcome of co-infection. Scientific Reports 7(1): 910.

JC Bachmann, F Cortesi, MD Hall, NJ Marshall, W Salzburger, HF Gante (2017) Real-time social selection maintains honesty of a dynamic visual signal in cooperative fish. Evolution Letters 1 (5): 269-278.


SAY Gipson and MD Hall. 2016. The evolution of sexual dimorphism and its potential impact on host–pathogen coevolution. Evolution 70 (5): 959–968.

T Connallon and MD Hall. 2016. Genetic correlations and sex-specific adaptation in changing environments. Evolution 70(10): 2186–2198.

J Michel, D Ebert and MD Hall. The trans-generational impact of population density signals on host-parasite interactions. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16(1): 254.

D Ebert, D Duneau, MD Hall, P Luijckx, JP Andras, L Du Pasquier and F. Ben-Ami. 2016. A population biology perspective on the stepwise infection process of the bacterial pathogen Pasteuria ramosa in Daphnia. Advances in parasitology 91: 265–310.


Clerc, M., D. Ebert, and M. D. Hall. 2015. Expression of parasite genetic variation changes over the course of infection: implications of within-host dynamics for the evolution of virulence. Proc R Soc B 282: 20142820–20142820.

Roulin, A. C., M. Mariadassou, M. D. Hall, J-C. Walser, C. Haag, and D. Ebert. 2015. High genetic variation in resting stage production in a metapopulation: Is there evidence for local adaptation? Evolution 69(10): 2747–2756. 

JC Havird, MD Hall and DK Dowling. 2015. The evolution of sex: a new hypothesis based on mitochondrial mutational erosion. Bioessays 37 (9), 951–958.


Routtu J., Hall, M.D., Albere, B., Beisel, C., Bergeron, R.D., Chaturvedi, A., Choi, J-H., Colbourne, J. De Meester, L., Stephens, M.T., Stelzer, C-P., Solorzano, E., Thomas, W.K., Pfrender, M.E. & Ebert, D. 2014. An SNP-based second-generation genetic map of Daphnia magna and its application to QTL analysis of phenotypic traits. BMC Genomics, 15: 1033.

Sheikh-Jabbari, E., Hall, M.D., Ben-Ami, F., & Ebert, D. 2014. The expression of virulence for a mixed-mode transmitted parasite in a diapausing host. Parasitology, 141: 1097-1107.


Hall, M.D. & Ebert, D. (2013) The genetics of infectious disease susceptibility: has the evidence for epistasis been overestimated?  BMC Biology, 11: 79.

Hall M.D., Lailvaux S.P. & Brooks R.C. (2013) Sex-specific evolutionary potential of pre- and postcopulatory reproductive interactions in the field cricket, Teleogryllus commodusEvolution, 67: 1831 - 1837.

Roulin, A., Routto, J., Hall, M.D., Janicke, T., Coulson, I., Haag, C. & Ebert, D. (2013) Local adaptation of sex-induction in a facultative sexual crustacean: insights from QTL mapping and natural populations of Daphnia magna. Molecular Ecology, 22: 3567 - 3579.


Hall, M.D.,  Vettiger. A. & Ebert, D. (2012) Interactions between environmental stressors: the influence of salinity on host–parasite interactions between Daphnia magna and Pasteuria ramosa. Oecologia, 171: 789 - 796.

Kasumovic, M.M., Hall, M.D. Try, H. & Brooks, R.C. (2012) Socially cued developmental plasticity affects condition-dependent trait expression. Behavioral Ecology, 24: 429 - 434.

Hall, M.D. & Ebert, D. (2012) Disentangling the influence of parasite genotype, host genotype and maternal environment on different stages of bacterial infection in Daphnia magna. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279: 3176-3183.

Drayton, J. M., Hall, M. D., Hunt, J. & Jennions, M. D. (2012) Sexual signaling and immune function in the black field cricket Teleogryllus commodus. PLoS ONE, 7(7): e39631.

Kasumovic, M.M., Hall, M.D., & Brooks, R.C. (2012) The juvenile social environment introduces variation in the choice and expression of sexually selected traits. Ecology and Evolution, 2(5): 1036–1047.


Kasumovic, M.M., Hall, M.D., Try, H. & Brooks, R.C. (2011) The importance of listening: developmental shifts in response to juvenile acoustic environment. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24: 1325–1334.

Drayton, J. M., Milner, R. N. C., Hall, M. D., & Jennions, M. D. (2011) Inbreeding and courtship calling in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24: 47–58.


Hall, M. D., Lailvaux, S. P., Blows, M. W. & Brooks, R. (2010) Sexual conflict and the maintenance of multivariate genetic variation. Evolution, 64(6): 1697–1703.

Lailvaux, S. P., Hall, M. D., & Brooks, R. (2010) Performance is no proxy for genetic quality: tradeoffs between locomotion, attractiveness and life-history in crickets. Ecology, 91(5): 1530–1537.

Morehouse, N. I., Nakazawa, T., Booher, C. M., Jeyasingh, P. D. & Hall, M. D. (2010) Sex in a material world: why the study of sexual reproduction and sex-specific traits should become more nutritionally-explicit. Oikos, 119: 766–788.

Hall M. D., Bussière L. F., Demont M., Ward P. I. & Brooks, R. (2010) Competitive PCR reveals the complexity of post-copulatory sexual selection in Teleogryllus commodus. Molecular Ecology, 19: 610–619.

Bonser, S. P., Ladd, B., Monro, K., Hall, M. D. & Forster, M. A. (2010) The adaptive value of functional and life history traits across fertility treatments in an annual plant. Annals of Botany, online early.

Bussière L. F., Demont M., Pemberton A., Hall M. D., & Ward P. I. (2010) The assessment of insemination success in yellow dung flies using competitive PCR. Molecular Ecology Resources, 10(2): 292–303.

Hall, M. D.,McLaren, L., Brooks, R. & Lailvaux, S. P. (2010) Interactions among performance capabilities predict male combat outcomes in the field cricket Teleogryllus commodus. Functional Ecology, 24(1): 159164.


Maklakov A, Hall M. D., Simpson S, Dessman J, Clissold F, Zajitschek F, Raubenheimer D, Bonduriansky R, Brooks R. (2009) Sex differences in diet-dependent reproductive ageing. Aging Cell, 8: 324–330.

Zajitschek F, Hunt J, Jennions M, Hall M. D., Brooks, R. (2009) Effects of juvenile and adult diet on ageing and reproductive effort of male and female black field crickets, Teleogryllus commodus. Functional Ecology, 23(3): 602611.

Hall M. D., Bussière L. F., Brooks R. (2009) Diet-dependent female evolution influences male lifespan in a nuptial feeding insects. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22(4): 873881.

2008 and before

Hall M. D., Bussière L. F., Brooks R. (2008) The effects of diet quality and wing morph on male and female reproductive investment in a nuptial feeding ground cricket. PLoS ONE, 3(10): e3437.

Hall M. D., Bussière L. F., Hunt J, Brooks R. (2008) Experimental evidence that sexual conflict influences the opportunity, form and intensity of sexual selection. Evolution, 62: 23052315.

Maklakov A, Simpson S, Zajitschek F, Hall M. D., Dessman J, Clissold F, Raubenheimer D, Bonduriansky R, Brooks R. (2008) Sex-specific fitness effects of nutrient intake generate sexual conflict over diet choice. Current Biology, 18: 10621066.

Hall M. D., Lindholm A, Brooks R. (2004) Direct selection on male attractiveness and female preference failed to product a response. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 4.